Thursday, May 8, 2014

Do we need them, or do they need us?

Taylor Swift: Not born being a celebrity
Willow Smith: Born a celebrity
I'm sure that once in our lifetime we have said these words in regards to a certain celebrity, "We need them". But is that really true? We admire and idolize these celebrities, but really would they even be there without us? The answer to that question is usually a no. Most celebrities used to be regular people just like us, not all of them were born into the spot light. They needed our support and love to get them where   they are today. In this blog post  I am going to talk about why we love celebrities, and how they need us just as much as we need them.

Carrie Underwood: Became star
because of reality TV.
 We all love at least one celebrity, either their music brightens up our day, or their movie makes us laugh. Whatever it is, we say we want to be them, be like them and we need to feel like we are a part of them.  But this as we call it is a parasocial relationship. We know and love them, but they don't know or love us. The thing is, that we were and are a major contributor to creating them. Who do you think bought all the albums, movies and items they have made? We support them in all that they do and make them a celebrity! The definition of celebrity is: a person who has a prominent profile and commands some degree of public fascination and influence in day to day media. To be a celebrity, they need some type of public fascination and recognition! We are the public! We decide who are celebrities, and who are not celebrities. We have to like who they are and what they do for them to become a celebrity. Celebrity - fans = nobody. Some celebrities start on a reality TV show, and some of those shows like American Idol depend on the viewers!
                                                   They need us to succeed. So really, do we need them, or do they need us?

Kim: Why do we love her?
Usually we like celebrities for certain things like: their talent, their good looks or there influence on the world. But there are lots of non-celebrities that have those qualities. There is talent everywhere you look, and lots of people have good looks! And we can all have an influence on the world... big or small it all counts. So why  do we want to be like them? Because everybody knows their name, and who they are. We think we might want to be famous, but my other posts might change your mind. So why do we love the celebrities that don't do anything significant, like Kim Kardashian? She is still a celebrity, yet she doesn't have any significant talents or any important jobs. Sure she's pretty, but it's not like beauty is rare. So why do we idolize these people? There are multiple answers to this question, and the answer is different for all of us. But in the end we want to be like them and we want everyone to know our name.

So why do we love celebrities? And why do we always feel like we need them, when really it's the other way around?

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