Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Pressures of being a celebrity


We all know that being a celebrity must come with a catch. And there is definitely more than just one. But one of the major setbacks, are the pressures of being a celebrity. There are multiple different pressures like: Having to look good all the time, keep your oh so important image in tact, your physical appearance  and to set good examples to your viewers and people who look up to you. So first of all I'm going to talk about keeping your image in tact. For the first few years of a celebrity's career, they have to create an image. You have to have something that defines you. Maybe it's being the bad girl who gets into trouble, or the little angel that helps with charities. It doesn't really matter what you choose, but whatever you do you better be able to stick with it or your career is going nowhere soon. For example, Beyonce has an image of being a strong woman, who lives a healthy lifestyle and promotes good health. That is her image, but one day she came out with an add for Pepsi, and it threw her image out the window. She was supposed to be promoting living a healthy lifestyle, and drinking Pepsi is a very unnecessary part of that desired healthy lifestyle. There was a lot of controversy over this, and you could argue it both ways, but in the end it damaged her image. Whenever your image gets damaged , people start to loose faith in you. They start to question who you are as a celebrity, and that is not good. In order to be a celebrity you need to have to have people like you and support you. And they won't be doing that whenever they don't trust you.

You wanna be like that?
Secondly, I am going to talk about the pressure of keeping your physical appearance up to date, and always looking good. Celebrities always want to look good because they have people who could be judging them at any second. If you walk down the red carpet, and you are looking gross, who would want to look up to you? No one wants to look gross. And seeing that for the most part celebrities are people that we aspire to be, who would want to aspire to be like that. I can't think of anyone. Celebrities feel like they always have to look perfect so that they don't have to worry about being judged, when really people are going to judge them anyways. It sounds very artificial, and to be honest it is. Also, their managers put it on their contract that if they don't look good, the contract is over. They make them go get plastic surgery, or go to the gym and it's not fair. Celebrities shouldn't have to look good at all times, because at the end of the day, we're all human, and we're not perfect. But their managers and society put so much pressure on them that they have to do it.

Good role model? Good fan base?
 Lastly I am going to talk about how they always are under pressure to set good examples to their viewers. Think about it like this for a second, if you have over 5 million people looking up to you and have you as their role model, wouldn't you feel like you were under constant pressure? You don't want to lead today's youth to doing drugs, drinking alcohol and partying all night long, do you? Celebrities always have to be on good behavior, and set a good example.  Let's face it, we all want to have a little fun sometimes, but these celebrities can't. And if they do, they always have to be thinking, "What if the paparazzi's here?" "What if someone sees me?" "What will this do to my image?" It's a constant pressure that makes them worry about every single thing they do. When celebrities do get caught, it really  costs them. It could ruin some of their image, their fan base and so much more.  All they have ever worked for could be gone because of one bad move. 

So really, we think that celebrities have the easy life? Think about it from this perspective, and it's the opposite.

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